Friday, February 29, 2008

On Prince Harry Soldier

You may find about story here.

Edit: Is coming home as result of finding out.

Is encouraging to see Harry fight alongside soldiers. True leader does not shy away from dangers. True leader embraces danger, fights foes, crushes threat to country.

This is why I am 6th dan blackbelt in Judo. Is why I have written book on subject of martial arts. I began my career of service to beloved country of Russia as member of KGB.

Prince Harry is relatively dangerous man, with knowledge of weapons and how to kill. Harry should be leader of United Kingdom instead of third in line. This is what i think of this.

In turn, I am easily three times more dangerous than young Prince. Therefore is easy to see I am meant to be three times leader--Russia, United States, Cuba, when time comes.

This is why I am running for President of USA. I am justified in my campaign. Press yourself into my service.

I am dangerous. I am leader. I am problem solver.

Vote Putin 2008.

Monday, February 25, 2008

This is not how it is.

I saw inaccurate picture today on internet.

This is not how it is. If you cannot understand symbolism in picture, I will tell you, is political. Is political, but is wrong.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Turkey in Iraq

You may already have heard of Turkey launching land offensive into Iraq. Is violation of deal brokered between Turkey and USA.

You see how this is unacceptable. If I were leader of your country, I would not tolerate. This is what I think of this. I would talk quickly and sharply to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who would back down as if from bear.

In mean time, USA White House chides them as if action is of small boy. If you choose me to lead your country, would be no chiding. Turkey would know place because Turkey would be stuck in vicious land-war sandwich of US and Russia.

Problem is solved.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yulia my Yulia

You will perhaps excuse, but I am to talk about issue unimportant to Americans today. I will talk of Yulia Tymoshenko.

She is gorgeous sunflower but has made tragic mistake in aligning with West of quail face shooters and fat television watching.

Yulia, I have not always treated you well. You must forgive indiscretions of youth and wipe tear from your eye when considering your heart I have broken.

But time has come for you and I to begin a friendship anew and recover from dalliances of past. Please mend your heart and find it within to forgive.

I know it was terrible for me to leave you in the dark at Makeout Point. I know now that you cried for hours and yelled at picture of me, smashing frame to many pieces. But it is yesterday! Water is well under bridge and to aqueduct now. Perhaps to Georgia after this many years.

I implore you to think straight and twice. Send daughter to join Nashi, she will grow into fine young man like mother.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

FAQ for Cuban/Russian Relations

I received communique from student yesterday. It will shed light on my campaign for Cuban President, hopefully will also for my President USA campaign.

[11:25] meeboguest696893: Mr. Putin, are you seriously intending to run for election in a Cuban fair election? Or is this just mocking Pres. Bush?
[11:25] Putin 2008: I am considering.
[11:26] Putin 2008:
You must understand that the more unified we are, better we will be.
[11:26] meeboguest696893: Would you view it as Russia annexing Cuba? As one nation, or perhaps two separate countries unified as a Confederacy, if you will. If so, how do you think the Cuban citizen would view this?
[11:27] Putin 2008: It would be neither.
[11:28] meeboguest696893: Simply you acting as the executive leader of two democracies?
[11:28] Putin 2008: Two independent countries, although I would be in dual capacity in Russian Parliament and Cuban President.
[11:29] Putin 2008:
I will no longer be Russian President by end of this year.
[11:29] meeboguest696893: I'm sorry to hear that.
[11:29] Putin 2008: It will be the start of a number of excellent partnerships between Russia and Cuba, however.
[11:30] Putin 2008:
Consider it the foundations for possible future unity.
[11:30] meeboguest696893: What are your views on the United States continuing their embargo on the Cubans? And do you think this will further any recently poor-seeming relations between the United States and Russia?
[11:30] Putin 2008: Raul will not be more palatable than Fidel for USA. I doubt relations between them will improve.
[11:31] Putin 2008:
Relations between USA and Russia are getting worse, I fear. USA is backing Kosovan independence, Russia not so much.
[11:31] meeboguest696893: That is what I thought. That is unfortunate. Well I must go to class now. Thanks.
[11:32] Putin 2008: Take care, thanks for well wishes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bush has called for fair and free elections in Cuba

According to Associated Press, USA President Bush has responded to Castro's resignation by calling for the Cuban people to "build institutions that are necessary for democracy."

"Eventually, this transition ought to lead to free and fair elections -- and i mean free, and I mean fair -- not these kind of staged elections that the Castro brothers try to foist off as true democracy," Bush said.

In case of such elections, Cuban people may find it wise to write me in as candidate. I will solve Cuban problems too.

Vote Putin 2008 USA President and Cuban President. Problems solved.

Edit: some blog discusses

News of Havana

I have been alerted of situation regarding Fidel Castro. He has stepped down officially and presumably his brother will take place.

He was longest-running world leader apart from monarchs, lasting fifty years as President of Cuba.

Excerpt of letter:

"I will not aspire to nor accept --I repeat I will not aspire to nor accept -- the post of President of the Council of State and Command in Chief."

This is news of tremendous importance regarding my bid for President of USA. My policy planners are in consultation as I write.

Fidel Castro makes great use of public opinion and is respected by my administration. His recent decisions have brought some stability back to his country, and for that I applaud him.

Raul Castro, I hope you do as much.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ways of contacting

For your convenience of information, there has been problem in reaching me. Problem is solved by means of emails and AIMs. Please see my contact information in blog and drop line, or talk to me by way of meebo which is instant messaging.

Contacting me was problem. Is solved. Vote Putin 2008.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valerie Plame Problem.

This will not be a problem when I am President of USA. CIA will run more like KGB, smooth oiled machine.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Massive write-in campaign

I understand you can write in people for President of USA. Please put in my name on November.

I will solve your problems.