Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Missile Talks continuing, Ms. Rice relatively convincing

I must congratulate Condolleezza Rice as she has managed to avoid overstaying her welcome here. It is precisely because of her sharp sense of wit and if not love for, then understand of Russian culture that has kept our country's ear available to her.

I will speak with you my readers about my main concern on U.S. proposal: as you can plainly see, it is new version of old "Star Wars" system. It is confirmation of legacy of Russia's two least favorite Americans: Ronald Reagan and George Lucas.

I hope you may understand the enmity which Russia feels toward Ronald Reagan, as he is the president most closely identified with a period of international relations about which I do not wish to discuss here.

But did you know of the general dislike of George Lucas? He is filmmaker of high renown throughout the world--apart from in the Kremlin. During height of his fame, he came to visit Russia and in fact met briefly with several of our excellent leaders during that time. He committed a social faux pas of the worst sort at a formal wine-tasting event here.

His sense of propriety is bosh. It is poor beyond belief. He neglected to spit out wine after drinking or even to moderate to only a sip of each. By the end of the event, he blindly grabbed at many bottles, pouring them in his mouth and eyes and hair.

This is why we are not fond of Star Wars missile defense program.

1 comment:

Ethan said...

Truly Mr. Putin, it is a shame that you have not reached out more to a secretary of state of the worlds greatest nation who saw fit spend years studying and teaching of your own. She is bored by the middle east. Do continue to take advantage of this situation now.

Second to last 'graph made my nose a little tickled with American Diet Coke.